Science Week takes place this year from 10th till the 17th of November. Events are happening all over the country that ranges from workshops, site visits, lectures and everything in between.
In Tog, we are teaming up with Young Engineers (YES) – Engineers Ireland to host a night of lightning talks on Thursday the 14th of November from 7 pm. Each talk will last just 15 minutes where the speakers will talk about what they are passionate about. We will have a diverse range of topics with six speakers on the night.
Please RSVP via Eventbrite to give us an idea of numbers by following this link.
Talk Title: Are groundwater supplies reservoirs for Superbugs?
Description: A look at current levels of antibiotic-resistant bacteria in global groundwater supplies, potential factors driving it and why that represents an issue.
Speaker Name: Luisa Andrade
Talk Title: Looking down on Marconi – Radio but not as he knew it!
Description: Guilelmo Marconi was undoubtedly a pioneer in long-distance communications so only fitting that precisely 101 years after a historic first successful communication from Wales to Australia we celebrate his memory doing something amazing with radio. How we built an ultra-long-range IPV6 meshed network using rapidly evolving microcontroller-based IoT technology. The title is not as it seems!
Speaker Name: Garry Keogh
Twitter: @garrypkeogh
Talk Title: Defense in depth an open source perspective on building cybersecurity infrastructure.
Description: A talk about how open source security tools and platforms can be brought together and used to build superior secure infrastructure.
Speaker Name: Seb Dooris
Twitter: @SebDooris
Talk Title: How engineering concepts could be applied to biology science?
Description: Have you thought about how biology is full of engineering concepts? Can you imagine that a simple tablet of pain killer or contact lenses need to attend a lot of specs such as mechanical properties to be used? This talk aims to introduce how important is engineering science to biology development and how it helped to start a new era to bioengineering.
Speaker Name: Fernando Salles Oliveira
Twitter: @ferbsalles
Talk Title: HackerSpace.ie
Description: How HackerSpace.ie aims to create an online community to support existing Hackerspaces and help them to grow.
Speaker Name: Garreth Eccleston
Facebook: https://facebook.com/HackerSpaceIE
Talk Title: The cell therapy revolution: arming the immune system.
Description: An introduction into a new era of medicine where our immune cells are empowered to fight cancer and other diseases.
Speaker Name: Valeria Annibaldi