What’s on in Tog in November: Too Many Events to list in a Header…


from Tog’s vast duck collection

This is what we will be up to in November:

Lock Picking: Our lock picking get togethers are on every second Monday, the 12th and 26th November at 7pm. We provide the locks, the tools, and the know-how. Basic lock picking sets are available for purchase.

Craft Night, CAD Night: Runs on alternate Wednesdays, the 7th and 21st November at 7pm. Knitting? Crochet? Embroidery? Getting ready for Christmas? We offer sewing machines, glue guns, expertise and encouragement. We also cover computer-based ‘crafting’ like CAD/CAM software, 3D printing, laser cutting and CNC routing.

Electronics and Micro Controller Night: Runs every non-lock-picking Monday, the 5th and 19th November at 7pm. Arduinos, Raspberry Pis and Intel Galileos are just some of the things you can work on down here, or try our introductions to electronics worksheet. You should bring your own laptop or notebook computer.

Open Social: This month the Open Social will be on Saturday the 24th November at 7pm. Join us for an evening of conversations and games.

Coding: Runs on the same Mondays as lock picking, the 12th and 26th November at 7pm. Come down and work on a project or help others with theirs. Laptop of your own pretty much essential, and bring your own project.

The Science Fiction Book Club will meet on Wednesday 28th November. We haven’t decided on November’s book yet (suggestions, anybody?). But there will be some sort of cake.

Wikipedia Editing: Runs on Wednesday 28th November at 7pm. Ever wondered how to get started editing Wikipedia? Come along and will get you adding to the world’s largest open collaborative knowledge project. All are welcome, no editing experience is necessary and the event is free, just turn up with a laptop to start editing.

Dublin Raspberry Pi Jam: We are hosting the Second Dublin Raspberry Pi Jam on Saturday November 3rd at 12.30 pm. A day where people of all abilities come together to work on or get help on Raspberry Pi projects. For more information and tickets visit https://ti.to/dublin-raspberry-pi-jam/2nd-pi-jam

** Tickets for this event are sold out, but members can still come **

Science Week Talks: Thursday 15th November – A night of short talks on a range of topics with YES (Young Engineers Society). https://www.tog.ie/2018/11/science-week-lightning-talks/

Science Week Family Day in DCC: Family fun day, Saturday 17th November 11:30-17:00. We hope to have a stand with usual demos. https://www.tog.ie/2018/11/dublin-science-week-family-open-day/

OpenStreetMap Mapathon: planned for Saturday 24th Novemberhttps://www.tog.ie/2018/10/openstreetmap-meetup-and-mapillary-workshop/

Game Night: **Members only

** – board games, card games, RPGs, a whole lot of sinister sounding acronyms, possibly some online gaming. Scheduled for Saturday 3rd November. With the expected participation of Board Games Ireland.

Make your own Films! Kino Kabaret. A weekend filmmaking hackathon. Weekend 9th-11th November https://www.tog.ie/2018/10/kino-kabaret-filmmaking-hackathon-in-tog/

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