The summer is here and we have just scheduled a night of great talks to give you all sorts of inspiration. We hope to welcome you on Wednesday the 2nd of June from 7 pm streaming on our Youtube channel. We will have talks about CNC wood carver, the game of life on blockchain and the Irish Monopoly board to life on Wikipedia. The talks will be followed by a live Q&A. Check out the talks below.
Link To Live Stream

Talk Title: Building a portable Mostly-Printed CNC robotic wood carver
Project Description: Home-built CNC for Makerspace Workshops. I used the Prusa MK3S+ to print many of the parts for my new CNC machine. It has a usable carving volume of 470x300x60mm, and a 1.5kW water-cooled spindle. I am following the hackable design at called MPCNC – Primo.I have recently carved my first works of art with it and it exceeds my expectations with its speed and accuracy. I plan to bring it to makerspaces around Ireland to give CNC/CAD classes, as soon as it becomes feasible again.
Speaker: Prof. Steve M. Potter
Bio: Neuroengineer, teacher, writer, and maker.
Links: Maker website:
Links: Research website:

Talk Title: The world’s most expensive version of Conway’s Game of Life
Project Description: An implementation of Conway’s Game of Life on the Ethereum Blockchain
Speaker: Niall Ó Cléirigh

Talk Title: Bringing the Irish Monopoly board to life on Wikipedia
Project Description: In collaboration with other Wikipedia editors, and inspired by a similar project on the London Monopoly board, I have been working on the articles relating to the streets and places mentioned on the original 1973 Irish edition Monopoly board. Not only has it been the perfect lockdown project, but a great way to learn more about Dublin.
Speaker: Rebecca O’Neill
Bio: I am a crafter and general magpie who is the Project Coordinator for Wikimedia Community Ireland, the local affiliate of the Wikimedia Foundation. I also love museums, cats, books, architecture, art, and history – not necessarily in that order.
Link to the Monopoly board:
Our event will be hosted by our own CEO Jeffrey. On the team of festival makers for Dublin Maker, Council & Executive board member of Engineers Ireland.
Be sure to put any questions you have for our speakers in the Youtube chat.