Arduino Day is a worldwide birthday celebration of Arduino – organized directly by the community, or by the Arduino team. It brings people together “online” to share their experiences and learn more about the open-source platform.
We are hosting a 2 hour live stream with a mix of demos, introduction lessons and contributions from our community.
We will kick things off at 11 am on Saturday the 27th of March on our Youtube channel. The event will be unconference style. We have the topics already (listed below) and would like to open the event to hear from you our community to talk about your projects. Drop us an email to present your project.
- Arduino 101 – Getting started – Declan Meenagh
- Lorawan – Lower Powered communication – Jeffrey Roe
- Hot Things – monitoring temperatures – Gary Cooke
- Tree’s Projects twitter knitter/fabric cadaver/cycling distance vest. TriploidTree
- Giant arduino development kit – Robert Fitzsimons
You can rewatch the event below.