Open Source : A philosophy for Life talk & Open Social Night

On Saturday 6th of November, we are delighted to have John Looney from Google give a passionate talk about Open Source : A philosophy for Life. This talk also coincides with our normal lively Open Social nights. These nights are a great chance to come and meet the members of TOG and have a bit of fun. BYOB. The night kicks off at 7pm. All welcome.

John Looney
After many years working in Google, John Looney realised that there were strong correlations between the way Google works internally, and the way the Open Source community works. It’s allow Google to stay reasonably flexible, despite growing it’s engineering teams past 10,000. In this talk, John examines various aspects of Open Source culture and how they can be mapped to a large organisation. This talk would be interesting to anyone who is curious how open source has managed to deliver such a stunning array of impactful projects and how large organisations can function efficiently. There will also be some discussion on how such culture that is certainly not unique to Google Engineering.

Social Nights Moved

So we have decided to move our social nights to more regular intervals and easier to put in our calenders, both paper and electronic!

So from now on we have our social nights on the 1st Saturday of the month, and the 3rd Thursday of the month (just before the Hackathon). This means that our first Social Night in the new slot is Saturday the 7th August and the next will be Thursday the 19th of August. I have also added these new dates to our calender on the blog so you can also check there if you are unsure.

The suggested themes for these nights will be a food night where people can bring food to the space and share some nibbles and a laugh, and a movie night ( the first one was great 🙂 ). These can of course change as more suggestions are made.

Synchronous Hackathon – June 2010

Warm up your soldering irons, thread your needles and fill the fridge with your beverage of choice. The 8th Synchronous Hackathon takes place this weekend.

We are kicking things off with an open social night on Friday from 7.30pm. If you haven’t been to the new space, it’s a great chance to drop in for a chat and have a look around. We promise we wont make you do any painting, well only if you want to :).Safety first!

On Saturday and Sunday the hackathon starts at about 1pm each day until late. Feel free to come along and work on your own project for a few hours or give a hand around the space. There will be members hacking the space over the weekend running cable, power points, painting, putting together furniture and all sorts of things.

As always are events are open to all at no cost (expect classes).

update: Also will be having bit of a BBQ tomorrow starting around 5 ish see you there.