Quick note on workshop availability

If you tried to sign up for the R workshop or the Christmas origami workshops in the last couple of days and either were unable to, or didn’t receive a confirmation email from Julie, please try again! We had a technical hiccup and the “bookable” forms stopped working and mistakenly marked the events as full ; you need to go to the blog posts directly and use the form there to sign up. Very sorry about this — we hope to see you soon at our events!

PS: There is only 1 space left for the R workshop, don’t wait too long!

[Editors note: Although handled by a different person, same goes for the Electronics Workshop this Saturday. Last I heard there are only a couple of spaces left.]

Workshop: A Taste of R

Tog will be hosting a “Taste of R” workshop on November 24th, taught by Kevin O’Brien (Dublin-R). R is a programming language used for statistics.

This workshop is targeted at complete beginners. Students should be reasonably familiar with computers and have knowledge of loops. The statistical content will be kept as straightforward as possible.

When? Thursday, November 24th, from 7.30pm till around 9.30pm
Cost: €5 for non-members, free for members

Please use the form below the cut to sign up. If you tried to sign up previously and didn’t receive a confirmation, you need to do it again! Apologies for the confusion.

Updated to add: we’re full! You can still sign up to be added to the waiting list.

Continue reading “Workshop: A Taste of R”

Open Social NEXT Weekend 5th November

Next Saturday 5th November, we’re holding our regular open social from
about 7pm till late. All welcome. If you haven’t been in to see the
space, this is a great opportunity to visit, meet the TOG gang and other
visitors. We’ll have music and the rubens tube going, and maybe the bbq
too. Plus whatever other gadgets we can rustle up.

BYOB, food, gadgets! See you from around 7pm.

PS: We also have our electronics build-it workshop from 3pm on Sat 5th
November with places still available.

If your want to come along just leave a message in comment second down below!

Christmas Origami Workshops

As Christmas approaches, why not be original and create your own decorations? Join this workshop and learn to make Christmas decorations using origami, and get introduced to modular origami techniques. Beginners are welcome, but they should (re-)familiarise themselves first with the waterbomb base.

This workshop will run twice, choose the date that suits you best:

On Wednesday, November 23rd, from 7pm to 9pm…
…or Saturday, November 26rd, from 2pm to 4pm.

Please use the form below the cut to sign-up! Don’t forget to specify which day you want to attend. The cost is €5 for non-members, free for members.

Christmas Decoration (modular origami)Christmas Decoration (modular origami)Christmas Tree origami
Continue reading “Christmas Origami Workshops”

Electro-Sewing Workshop; update

Hello again! The Electro-Sewing Workshop was last night in tog, and again, I think we all had a good time! Personally I had a great evening and was delighted at how quickly everyone picked it up. Even with having to listening to me waffle aimlessly to a slide-deck for a while, by the end of the night we had amassed quite a beautiful bouquet of LED flowers!

Attendees at the electro-sewing workshop sitting around a table

A bouquet of electro-flowers made at the workshop

As yet there aren’t any more workshops planned, but as interest was high I’ll be seeing if there is a more complex electro-sewing project to move on to, or maybe even a Lilypad Arduino class. Ooh, I am looking forward to see what my lovely students go on to create!