Our very own Jeffrey has headed off on a maker-in residency program to Buinho, a fablab in rural Portugal.
The residency is all about getting immersed in various activities related to social awareness and education, ending with repair café with Christmassy vibes. A cultural exchange with different age-groups, community-based educational activities, visit to local schools, and support of the local repair café. The week culminates with the first ever repair cafe held in Messejana at their annual Christmas festival.

Buinho is a Creative Hub and the first rural Fablab in Portugal. Since 2015, creatives, makers, educators, and researchers unite in Messejana to experiment, prototype and learn. The aim of the association is to be an inspiring place, which fosters creativity, collaboration and innovation at the intersection of arts, technology and society. They offer various educative programs, private accommodation, different studios, and a creative residency program open for artists and makers from all over the world.
This residency is part of an Erasmus+ project, entitled “WeRepair”, coordinated by Buinho Associação and whose partners are Fablab Cuenca (Spain) and Mountain Makers (France).