Want to learn how to crochet?

There will be two beginners’ classes run during May, one from 7pm on Thursday 24th and the other on Saturday 26th from 2pm. Both classes will be identical and will run for two hours, so feel free to pick whichever date suits you better.
During the class you will learn the basics, how to hold the hook and yarn, how to do chain stitch, how to do double and treble stitches. By the end of the class you should be well on your way to starting your first granny square.
The class will cost €5 for non-members and is free for members. There will be an optional cost for materials of €5 for which you will get a ball of yarn and an appropriate sized hook.
If you would like to bring your own materials, I would suggest you bring a ball of plain double-knit yarn and a 5.0mm hook. The people in the yarn shop will be able to help you. Yarn and hooks can be bought from a number of shops, including The Constant Knitter on Francis St, This Is Knit in the Powerscourt Centre, Springwools in Walkinstown, Stitch in Beaumont, and the Bernina Sewing Shop on Parnell St. Staff in all shops are helpful, so ask for help choosing yarn.
Up to five people can register for each class using the form below. If you require materials, please state so in the comment box, along with your chosen date.
Hi, I’m interested in a beginners crochet class. Do you still run them?
There’s no class scheduled soon, but you can drop down to the fortnightly craftnight and I can get you started. The next one is Tuesday 7th Jan from 7pm. Check the calendar for futher dates.
Hi I’m interested in attending your class in the 24th. Is there still availability. I might need to buy a hook. I have the wool.
Hi just realising that lost is old. Is it possible to attend in the 27th for the group session? How much would it cost?
I will like information on the beginner’s crochet classes, thanking you