Rubens Tube in the Box V3.0

Its 9 feet hight with 150 hold 2mm wide drilled ever 1.5mm in staleness steel.

This is the 3rd attempt Making a rubens Tube at TOG, Dublin. Credit: Namit & Liam

Rubens tube dancing to electro

Lessons learned:
One very important thing I learned when building this and drilling such small holes cool your bit as much as possible otherwise you will end up spending a lot on bits that you do not want to.

Updated video from social night:

Crafting Nights, Revived

Hello all! This is just a quick note to let you know that Crafting Nights in tog are back. It’s been a little quiet of late (as people have exams or have to commute half way across Europe), but if crafting is your thing then we’ll be there this Tuesday (17th May) from 7pm. Every second Tuesday after that. All are welcome, any kind of craft admired, and a cup of tea to be had. Look forward to seeing you there 🙂

Social Night Saturday May 7th

Come one come all:
We will be have a social night next Saturday 7th of May starting around 6pm if weather is night BBQ is on the cards. If weather is nice might start bit earlier but keep an eye out for what we are up to on website or get involved during the week.

2011-05-05 Electronics Bootcamp

We’re running our first electronics bootcamp. This event will take place over
5 weeks on Thursday evenings at TOG, from 19:00 to 21:30. First session
on Thursday 5th May.

This is a practical / hands-on introduction to electronics. Its suitable for
beginners, as no previous knowledge is required. If you’re curious about
electronics and don’t know where to start…. this is for you. No
soldering required, as we do everything on prototyping breadboards.
We’ll be building and testing circuits right from the first night. We’ll
be covering DC, AC, analog and digital electronics.

Over the 5 weeks, you’ll have a chance to play with multimeters,
oscilloscopes, signal generators and other electronic test equipment.
There’ll be lots of circuits to build and test along the way.

Cost is 50 euro for non-members. That’s just 10 euro per night. We have
a special rate of 40 euro for the unwaged.

If you’re interested, you can sign up below and you can pay on the first
night. There are 6 places available.

Course is now full, we will run it again in the future.

One more TOG sign

Finsihed off Tog 2.0 sign made from straigth steel and bending around form in picture below, then branded onto block of wood.

Tog sign

Bending form, we found doing very small bends was best way of doing this.