Monday January 21 – Codes of Ethics in Technology talk

On Monday January 21st Tog will be hosting Laura Nolan who will be speaking on Codes of Ethics in Technology : Necessary But Not Sufficient. You can find this event on Meetup.

2018 was a year of unprecedented controversy in the technology industry, which has sparked media coverage, government inquiries and tech employee activism. Partly in response to this crisis, many technology firms have adopted ethical principles and guidelines about the kinds of technology they will develop and how it may be used. But do principles and guidelines make a difference without mechanisms for accountability?

Laura Nolan is a software engineer with a keen interest in professionalism in technology. Laura was part of the campaign within Google against the controversial Project Maven, which aimed to develop AI systems to analyse military drone footage. She is the founder of TechWontBuildIt Dublin and a member of the International Committee for Robot Arms Control.