Love Locks No More

IMAG0803UPDATE: Everything needs a Twitter, right? @LockLockNoMore

Over the last few weeks a lot of people have been asking the lockpickers in TOG if we have looked at picking the locks off the Ha’penny Bridge. With recent discussion on Reddit and the Irish Times I thought it might be a good time to give it a go 🙂

From looking at the bridge over the years, there is definite damage being done by people attaching their Love Locks to the bridge. Some countries welcome the Love Locks to their bridge but the Ha’penny bridge is not one of them. The Dublin City Council have to spend time and money removing these locks from the bridge. DCC did a big clear up a few weeks ago and they are slowly starting to creep back on.

So today when I was walking past, I saw a lovely string of locks all attached to the bridge by a single one. In the security world, we call this a single point of failure. So after a quick pick, the TOG Lockpicking Group has some more locks to play with. I guess the great thing for me is, anyone buying a lock to put on a bridge, don’t buy the expensive ones. They can be nice and easy to pick. At the moment there is another 15 individual locks on the bridge, that I hope to get back to soon.

For anyone who wants to check out the new additions to the Lockpicking Group’s bucket of locks, please keep an eye on the calendar for the next meet-up that takes place every 2 weeks. Also, let us know if you see them building up again; we will be happy to liberate them from the bridge.



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